Unit 1
Work System: Elements of work, maintenance of machines, interaction, effect of working conditions and environment, physical and mental fatigue.
Productivity: Productivity, factors affecting production, Measurement of productivity
Work Study: Definition and scope of work study; Areas of application of work study in industry; Human aspects of work study.
Method Study: Information collection, recording techniques, and processing aids; critical examination; development, installation and maintenance of improved methods.
Unit 2
Motion Economy and Analysis: Principles of motion economy; Motion analysis; Micromotion and Memomotion study; Therbligs and SIMO charts; Normal work area and design of work places; Basic parameters and principles of work design.
Work Measurement: Work measurement techniques; Calculation of standard time, work sampling and predetermined Motion time systems.
Wages and Incentive Schemes: Introduction, wage payment of direct and indirect labour, wage payment plans and incentives, various incentive plans, incentives for indirect labour