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Course Detail

Course Name Insurance Management
Course Code 24COM514
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester II
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Insurance: Meaning, definition, nature, functions, types, classification on the basis of nature, business and risk, Insurance principles: principles, general or essential principles of insurance contract, specific and miscellaneous principles.

Unit 2

Insurance products: Introduction, term life insurance, whole life insurance, endowment type plans, combination of whole life insurance and endowment type plans, children’s assurance plans, annuities and pension plans.

Unit 3

Insurance and economic development: Introduction, role of insurance in economic development.

Unit 4

Growth of life insurance appraisal of insurance sector growth, product diversification by LIC, growth of general insurance after nationalization, issues and problems, future potential in future.

Unit 5

Business insurance: Insurance business in pre and post nationalization, weakness, liberalization, Functions of IRDA, Regulatory investment of funds, Accounting and actuarial standards, features of the revised guidelines, Actuaries Act 2006, International association of insurance supervisors, impact of liberalization, present scenario.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to understand the subject matter of insurance management and its importance in the present economic environment.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 Knowledge of insurance principles and types of risks
CO2 Understanding of different types of life insurance policies
CO3 Identify the role of insurance in present economic environment
CO4 Understand the role and functions of IRDA
CO5 Identify the growth of insurance before and after nationalisation

Text / Reference Books


  1. Karam Pal, Bodla, M C Garg – Insurance Management, Principles and Practices – Deep and Deep Publications
  2. Dorfman Mark – Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance – PHI

Reference Books:

  1. Scott Harrington, Gregory R Hiehaus – Risk Management and Insurance – McGraw Hill
  2. Emmett J Vaughan, Therese M Vaughan – Essentials of Risk Management and Insurance – John Wiley and Sons.
  3. Neelam Gulati – Principles of Insurance Management – Excel Books
  4. Hargovind Dayal – Fundamentals of Insurance: Theories, Principles and Practices – Notion Press

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