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Course Detail

Course Name Introductory Biology
Course Code MIC 103
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester One
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


  1. Introducing Life Sciences, The Importance of Interdisciplinary Biology
  2. Themes in the Study of Life: Properties of life, Reductionism, Emergent Properties, From Biospehere to Biomolecules(Scale-Down), Structure-Function Relationships
  3. Transmission of Genetic Information: What is Gene Expression? Aquainting with the vocabulary- Gene, Allele, Genome, DNA, Chromosome, RNA(mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), Proteins,Transcription, Translation & Genetic Code
  4. Evolution as the foundation: Unity in Diversity, Natural Selection, Classification of Organisms, Tree of Life
  5. Scientific Inquiry: Making Observations & Testing Hypotheses
  1. Fundamentals of Cell Theory, A bit of History
  2. The Hidden Universe of the Cell, Cellular Organization and Metabolism
  3. The Organelles: Nucleolus, Nucleus, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Vesicles, Golgi Apparatus, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Lysosome, Peroxisome & The Plasma Membrane
  1. Transport of Proteins: Vesicular & Non-Vesicular System
  2. Cell Culture Techniques: Culture Media, Cell-lines, 2D & 3D Cultures

Text Books

  1. Campbell Biology – 11th Edition – Jane B. Reece et. al. – Boston: Benjamin Cummings / Pearson
  2. The Cell, A Molecular Approach – 7th Edition – Geoffrey M.Cooper/Robert E.Hausman- Sinauer Associates, Inc.





  • Fundamentals of Cell Theory: A wacky history of Cell Theory/TEDEd
  • The Cell(2009)/BBC Documentary by Adam Rutherford: Part 1(The Hidden Kingdom) | Part 2(The Chemistry of Life) | Part 3(The Spark of LIfe)
  • Our Secret Universe, The Hidden Life of the Cell(2012)/BBC Documentary
  • Visualizing hidden worlds inside your body – Dee Breger/TEDEd
  • Insights into cell membranes via dish detergent – Ethan Perlstein/TEDEd



  • Cell Biology Virtual Lab: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Virtual Lab IVirtual Lab II
  • The immortal cells of Henrietta Lacks – Robin Bulleri/TEDEd
  • Cell Culture, An Introduction/Lecture Presentation
  • Cell Culture Basics – A Handbook / Video(Cell Culture Basics) / Video(Aseptic Techniques) : Gibco/THermo Fishcer
  • Cryopreservation of Cells/Video
  • Cell Culture Media: A Review | Meenakshi Arora, MATER METHODS 2013;3:175

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