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Course Detail

Course Name Metrology Laboratory
Course Code 19MEE384
Program B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Semester Six
Year Taught 2019


List of Experiments

Calibration of Instruments: Micrometer, Vernier Caliper, Dial Indicator using precision Gauge blocks.
Statistical Quality Control chart: Plotting of x̅and R chart for a given sample after measuring the dimensions of the specific features.
Comparative measurements: calibration of Plug gauge using Electronic Comparator. Measurement using Pneumatic Comparator. Angle measurements using Sine bar with reference to the Gauge block.
Optical Projector measurements: Linear, angle and radius measurements using Profile Projector and Tool Maker’s Microscope. Measurement of Straightness and flatness using Autocollimator.
Gear Metrology: Measurement of chordal tooth thickness of spur gear using gear tooth Vernier.Gear nomenclature measurements using Gear Rolling Tester.
Hole and shaft diameter measurements: Cylinder liner Inner diameter and taper measurement using Bore Gauge. Measurement of Run out of a shaft using Bench center and dial gauge.
Screw thread metrology: Measurement of Major, Minor and Mean Effective Diameter of various threads using Floating Carriage Micrometer.
Surface Roughness Measurement: Demonstration of Surface Roughness measurement using Mechanical stylus instrument.
Measurement of form features using Optical autocollimater.
Measurement of machined components using coordinate measuring machine (CMM)

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  • To expose the students in the measurement of linear, angular, surface roughness, threads and gears
  • To calibrate the various instruments and measure the features of the components
  • To measure bore, taper, angle and intricate profiles

Course Outcomes

  • CO1: Calibrate the basic instruments and analyze the measurements using process control charts
  • CO2: Measure surface roughness, tool nomenclature, threads and gear tooth thickness using appropriate instruments
  • CO3: Measure bore, taper, angle and intricate profiles using appropriate instruments
  • CO4: Measure various features of machined components using appropriate instruments

CO – PO Mapping

CO1 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 1 1 1 1
CO3 1 1 1 1
CO4 1 1 1 1

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal External
*Continuous Assessment(CA) 80
End Semester 20
*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

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