8085 microprocessor architecture; Instruction set, instruction types and formats; Instruction execution, instruction cycles, different types of machine cycles and timing diagram. – 16-bit microprocessors, 8086 architecture, registers, memory segmentation and addressing, 32-bit/64-bit microprocessor families
Introduction to IoT – Architecture – Applications
Introduction to Arduino: The Arduino Platform, Architecture, Pin functions, overview of main features such as I/O Ports, Timers, interrupts serial port, PWM, ADC, etc.
Introduction to Arduino IDE, writing, saving, compiling and uploading sketches. Interfacing discrete LEDs, Binary counter, Seven Segment LEDs. Interfacing LCD, switch Interface. Interfacing with different type of sensors and communication modules Raspberry Pi Introduction: Board, ARM SoC (system-on-chip) architecture, Hardware interfaces Basic Programming of the Pi: Hello World, Access the World Wide Web, Play audio, Control Peripherals with a Pi