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Course Detail

Course Name Molecular Biology for Bioinformatics
Course Code BIO 425
Program M. Sc. in Bioinformatics
Semester One
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


Tools of molecular biology, Structure of Nucleic acids and proteins, DNA-Protein interactions, Transcription in prokaryotes, Control of prokaryotic transcription, Transcription in Eukaryotes, Post transcriptional events, Transcriptional regulation, Translation and translational regulation, post translational modification, RNA and Protein export and its regulation. DNA Replication and enzymology, DNA damage and repair. Noncoding RNA, transposons. Introduction to Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics. evidence for DNA as genetic material. Gene transfer in microorganisms – conjugation, transformation, transduction – protoplasmic fusion. The genomes of bacteria, viruses, plasmids. Introduction to the methods of DNA sequencing.

Text Books

  1. The Cell A Molecular Approach-Cooper-Hausman
  2. Molecular biology by Rober F. Weaver


  1. Molecular biology of Genes by James Watson
  2. Molecular biology by David Freifelder
  3. Molecular Biology of the Cell- Bruce Alberts et al.

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