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Course Detail

Course Name Mycology
Program BSc. in Microbiology
Semester Three
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


Module 1 (8 hours)

Introduction & Historical overview of mycology , General characteristics
Importance of fungi in Human life, Fungi –Taxonamy and Systematics

Module 2 (9 hours)
  • Fungal Metabolism,Fungal Growth-
    Apical growth Fungi- Reproduction and Life cycles, Macro fungi-Ascomycota and Basidiomycota


Module 3 (14 hours)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Model organism ,   Mushrooms and their medical relevance , Mycotoxins and Mushroom poisoning Fungi- Ecological importance Mycorrhiza, Lichens


Module 4 (14 hours)

Medical mycology- Culture methods fungi, Diagnosis, Dimorphism Mycoses (Superficial) (Opportunistic) Systemic)
Host responses to fungal infection-Immunity Antifungal agents

Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books

  1. Introductory mycology, Alexopoulos, et al


  1. Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial Infections, Volume 4: Medical Mycology — by Leslie Collier, et al;
  2. Medical Mycology and Human Mycoses — by Everett Smith, Ph.D. Beneke, Alvin Lee, Ph.D. Rogers

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