Unit 1
Linear programming: Formulations – graphical solutions, simplex method, duality, Transportation model, Assignment model-travelling salesman problem.
Course Name | Operations Research |
Course Code | 15MEC411 |
Program | B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Linear programming: Formulations – graphical solutions, simplex method, duality, Transportation model, Assignment model-travelling salesman problem.
Decision theory: Decision trees. Game theory – two persons zero sum, mixed strategies; 2 x n and m x 2. Network models – project networks – CPM/PERT, project scheduling, crashing networks and cost considerations, resource levelling and smoothing, shortest route problem, minimal spanning tree problem, maximal flow problem.
Sequencing model – 2 machines n jobs, m machines n jobs-n jobs 2 machines.
Inventory models – deterministic and probabilistic models, Queuing models-poison arrival and exponential service times, single server, multi-server. Simulation: Monte Carlo simulation – simple problems.
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