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Course Detail

Course Name Product Design and Development
Course Code 22MEE371
Program B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Credits 3



Industrial product development – The process of product development – Product planning. Managing customer and technical specifications – Concept development and concept selection – Product architecture and modularization – Industrial design – Methods for product adapted design (DFM) and environmental design (DFE).

Module 1

Introduction: Classification/ Specifications of Products. Product life cycle. Product mix. Introduction to product design. Modern product development process. Innovative thinking. Morphology of design.

Conceptual Design: Generation, selection & realisation of concept. Product architecture. Industrial design: Need and process. Robust Design: Taguchi Designs & DOE. Design Optimization.

Module 2

Ergonomics and Aesthetics: Gross human anatomy. Anthropometry. Man-Machine interaction. Concepts of size and texture, colour. Comfort criteria. Psychological & Physiological considerations. Creativity Techniques: Creative thinking, conceptualization, brain storming, primary design, drawing, simulation, detail design.

Value Engineering and Value Analysis: Definition and basic concepts only. Economic analysis (Basic concepts): Qualitative & Quantitative. Product costing.

Module 3

Design for Manufacturing & Assembly: Methods of designing for Manufacturing & Assembly. Designs for Maintainability. Designs for Environment. Legal factors and social issues. Engineering ethics and issues of society related to design of products.

Basic concepts of Concurrent Engineering, Rapid prototyping techniques including Additive manufacturing. Tools for product design – Drafting / Modelling software. QFD. CAM Interface. Overview of Patents & IP Acts. Report generation.


‘Product Design and Development’ is a elective course offered in the B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Pre-requisites – Basic engineering concepts only.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives
  • Understand and describe the product development process and its various tools and
  • To become able to apply methods for gathering of consumer requirements in order to formulate product specific
  • Give an overview about the importance of DFM (Design for Manufacturing) and DFE (Design for the Environment) in product development.
Course Outcomes
  • CO1. Apply methods for collection of customer requirements and for formulating product requirements
  • CO2. Select an appropriate product design and development process for a given application
  • CO3. Choose an appropriate ergonomics for the product
  • CO4. Develop methods to minimize the cost.

References and Text books

  • Kemnneth Crow, “Concurrent /Integrated Product Development”, DRM Associates, 26/3,Via Olivera, Palos Verdes, CA 90274(310) 377-569, Workshop Book.
  • Stephen Rosenthal, “Effective Product Design and Development”, Business One Orwin, Homewood, 1992, ISBN 1-55623-603-4.
  • Staurt Pugh, “Tool Design – Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering”, Addison Wesley Publishing, New york, NY
Text books
  • Anita Goyal, Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, “Product Design and Development”, 4th Edition, 2009, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN-10-007-14679-9
  • Chakrabarti, “Indian Anthropometric Dimensions for Ergonomic Design Practice”, National Institute of Design. (1997).

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