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Course Detail

Course Name Professional Communication
Course Code 21ENG111
Semester 2
Credits 2


Unit 1

Vocabulary Building: Prefixes and Suffixes; One word substitutes, Modal auxiliaries, Error Analysis: Position of Adverbs, Redundancy, misplaced modifiers, Dangling modifiers – Reported Speech

Unit 2

Instruction, Suggestion & Recommendation – Sounds of English: Stress, Intonation – Essay writing: Analytical and Argumentative

Unit 3

Circulars, Memos – Business Letters – e – mails

Unit 4

Reports: Trip report, incident report, event report – Situational Dialogue – Group Discussion

Unit 5

Listening and Reading Practice – Book Review


To convey and document information in a formal environment; to acquire the skill of self-projection in professional circles; to inculcate critical and analytical thinking.


  1. FelixaEskey. Tech Talk, University of Michigan. 2005.
  2. Michael Swan. Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press. 2005.
  3. Anderson, Paul. Technical Communication: A Reader Centered Approach, V Edition, Hercourt, 2003.
  4. Raymond V. Lesikar and Marie E. Flatley. Basic Business Communication, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. New Delhi. 2005. Tenth Edition.
  5. Thampi, G. Balamohan. Meeting the World: Writings on Contemporary Issues. Pearson, 2013.
  6. Lynch, Tony. Study Listening. New Delhi: CUP, 2008.
  7. Kenneth, Anderson, Tony Lynch, Joan Mac Lean. Study Speaking. New Delhi: CUP, 2008.
  8. Marks, Jonathan. English Pronunciation in Use. New Delhi: CUP, 2007.
  9. Syamala, V. Effective English Communication For You (Functional Grammar, Oral and Written Commnication): Emerald, 2002.

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