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Course Detail

Course Name Programming Lab I
Course Code 22CSA281
Semester 3
Credits 1


  1. 2D and 3D plotting of functions (Scilab, Python)
  2. Curve fitting
  3. Least square fit Goodness of fit& standard constant
  4. Solution of Linear system of equations: Gauss elimination
  5. Solution of Linear system of equations: Gauss Seidal method
  6. Solution of ODE First Order Differential equation:
  7. Solution of ODE second order Differential equation
List of Experiments
  1. Ohms law to calculate R,
  2. Hooke’s law to calculate spring constant
  3. Solution of mesh equations of electric circuits
  4. Solution of coupled spring mass systems
  5. Radioactive decay
  6. Current in RC, LC circuits with DC source
  7. Newtons law of cooling
  8. Classical equations of motion
  9. Current in RC, LC circuits with DC source
  10. Newtons law of cooling
  11. Classical equations of motion
  12. Harmonic oscillator •
  13. Damped Harmonic oscillator- Overdamped- Critical damped
  14. Forced Harmonic oscillator

Text Books

  1. A Survey of Computational Physics- Introductory Computational Science” Rubin H. Landau, Manuel José Páez, Cristian C. Bordeianu, 2008, Princeton university press.
  2. Introduction to Numerical programming: Steven A. Gottlieb and Rubin H. Landau, CRC Press.

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