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Course Detail

Course Name Research Learning and Problem Formulation
Course Code 18CA391
Program M. C. A., M. C. A. ( Offered at Mysuru Campus )
Semester Four
Credits Two
Year Taught 2018
Degree Postgraduate (PG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Research: Meaning, Purpose, Types of Research, Steps in Research, Identification, Selection and Formulation of Research Problem, Research Questions, Research Design, Formulation of Hypothesis, Review of Literature.Internet as a source in identifying gap areas from literature reviews and emerging trends.Sampling Technique: Types of Sampling, Steps in Sampling, Sample Size, Advantages and Limitations of Sampling. Data for Research: Primary Data, Collection Methods, Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Pretest-Pilot test, Experimental and Case Studies, Secondary Data, Relevance, Limitations and Cautions. Processing Data: Checking, Editing, Coding, Transcriptions and Tabulation. Data Analysis- Meaning and Methods- Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. Statistical Tables, Diagrams and Graphs, Measures of Averages, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis.

Familiarization of Spreadsheet Tools, Presentation Tools and Writing Tools, Structuring the Report, Pagination, Identification, Presenting Footnotes, Abbreviations, Presentation of Tables and Figures- Referencing- Use and Format of Appendices, Indexing. Research Report: Types of Reports- Styles of Reporting- Steps in Drafting Reports-Editing and Evaluating the Final Draft.Developing a Proposal and Working in a Research Team.Critical Appraisal of Published Research: Guidelines for Appraisal. Ethical Issues, Copyright, Royalty, Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Law, Reproduction of Published Material, Citation and Acknowledgement.

Text Books

  1. CR Kothari: “Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques”, New Age International Publishers, 2004
  2. Jacques Barzun, Henry F. Graff: “The Modern Researcher” Edition 6, Wadsworth Inc Fulfillment, 2003
  3. Carlo Lastrucci, The Scientific Approach: Basic Principles of the Scientific Method (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1967)

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