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Course Detail

Course Name Security Operations
Course Code 21SN631
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security Systems & Networks
Semester Elective
Credits 3


Information security incident management (Incident detection, triage and incident categories, Incident severity, resolution, Closure, Post-incident), Security Operations Center (SOC) Generations (First-generation, second, third and fourth generation SOC), SOC Maturity models

(Introduction to maturity models, and applying maturity models in SOC), SOC Technologies-1 (Data collection and analysis, syslog protocol), SOC Technologies-2 (Telemetry Data, Security analysis, Data enrichment), Vulnerability Management (Broad introduction), Threat intelligence (Broad introduction), Assessment of SOC capabilities (Business and IT Goals, Assessing capabilities & IT processes), SOC – Business Continuity, Disaster recovery (Importance of BCP and DR processes, and its interface to SOC), Security event generation and collection (Cloud Security, IDPS, Breach Detection), SOC and SIEM – Introduction (Role of SIEM in SOC), SOC and Splunk (Splunk architecture & SOC, Splunk Rules, Splunk log management, Splunk correlation), SOC and Health Care – A Case study (SOC Considerations for a HealthCare situation), SOC and Application security (OWASP, Application security and SOC).



1.Security Operations Center: Building, Operating, and Maintaining Your SOC Book by Gary McIntyre, Joseph Muniz, and Nadhem AlFardan

2. Designing and Building Security Operations Center, 2015 Book by David Nathans

3. Security Operations Center ‐ SIEM Use Cases and Cyber Threat Intelligence, 2018 Book by Arun E Thomas

4. The Modern Security Operations Center, 2021 Book by Joseph Muniz

5. Principles for Cyber Security Operations, 2020 Book by Hinne Hettema

Course Outcomes

  • CO1 : Students should be able to understand the functionalities of various SOC generations
  • CO2: Understand different data collection, data analysis and security analysis techniques as part of SOC technologies


  • CO3: Understand the vulnerability management techniques and threat intelligence methodologies


  • CO4: Assess the SOC capabilities using different SOC tools and techniques


  • CO5: Learn how SOC helps in business continuity and disaster recovery plan


  • CO6: Gain knowledge on SIEM tools with SOC compatibility


  • CO7: Understand SOC Considerations for HealthCare situations


  • CO8: Gain knowledge on the application security area with SOC

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