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Course Detail

Course Name Social and Professional Issues in Computing
Course Code 18CSA340
Program Bachelor of Computer Applications, B. C. A., B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
Semester Six
Credits Three
Year Taught 2018
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Unit 1

Social Context: Introduction to the social implications of computing, Social implications of networked communication, Growth of, Control of, and access to the Internet, Gender – Related issues, Cultural issues, International Issues, Accessibility Issues (e.g. underrepresentation of minorities, Women and disabled in the computing profession), Public policy issues (e.g. electronic voting).

Unit 2

Analytical Tools: Making and evaluating ethical arguments, Identifying and evaluating ethical choices, Understanding the social context of design, Identifying assumptions and values. Professional Ethics: Community values and the laws by which we live, The nature of professionalism (Including care, attention and discipline, fiduciary responsibility, and mentoring). Keeping up-to-date as a professional (in terms of knowledge, tools, skills, legal and professional framework as well as the ability to self-assess and computer fluency), Various forms of professional credentialing and the advantages and disadvantages, The role of the professional in public policy, Maintaining awareness of consequences, Ethical dissent and whistle-blowing. Codes of ethics, conduct, and practice(IEEE, ACM, SE, AITP, and so forth), Dealing with harassment and discrimination, “Acceptable use” policies for computing in the work place. Healthy Computing environment (ergonomics)

Unit 3

Risks: Historical examples of software risks (such as the Therac-25 case), Implications of software complexity, Risk assessment and Risk Management; Risk removal, risk reduction and risk control. Security Operations: Physical security, Physical access controls, Personnel access controls, Operational security, Security polices for systems/networks, Recovery and Response, Dealing with problems (both technical and human)

Unit 4

Intellectual Property: Foundations of Intellectual Property, Copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, Software Piracy, Software Patents, Transactional issues concerning Intellectual Property. Privacy and Civil Liberties: Ethical and legal basis for privacy protection, Ethical and legal framework for freedom of information, Privacy implications of database systems (e.g. Data gathering, storage and sharing, massive data collecting, computer surveillance systems) Technological strategies for privacy protection, Freedom of expression in cyberspace, International and intercultural implications.

Unit 5

Computer Crime: History and examples of computer crime, “Cracking” (“Hacking”) and its effects, Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses, Identity Theft, Crime Prevention strategies.

Text Books

  1. Ethics for Information Age, 3rd Edition, Michael J. Quinn, Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2009

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