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Team work: Value of team work in organisations, definition of a team, why team, elements of leadership, disadvantages of a team, stages of team formation. Group development activities: Orientation, internal problem solving, growth and productivity, evaluation and control. Effective team building: Basics of team building, teamwork parameters, roles, empowerment, communication, effective team working, team effectiveness criteria, common characteristics of effective teams, factors affecting team effectiveness, personal characteristics of members, team structure, team process, team outcomes.

Facing an interview: Foundation in core subject, industry orientation / knowledge about the company, professional personality, communication skills, activities before interview, upon entering interview room, during the interview and at the end. Mock interviews.

Advanced grammar: Topics like parallel construction, dangling modifiers, active and passive voices, etc.

Syllogisms, critical reasoning: A course on verbal reasoning. Listening comprehension advanced: An exercise on improving listening skills.

Reading comprehension advanced: A course on how to approach advanced level of reading, comprehension passages. Exercises on competitive exam questions.

Problem solving level IV: Geometry; Trigonometry; Heights and distances; Coordinate geometry; Mensuration.

Specific training: Solving campus recruitment papers, national level and state level competitive examination papers; Speed mathematics; Tackling aptitude problems asked in interview; Techniques to remember (In mathematics). Lateral thinking problems. Quick checking of answers techniques; Techniques on elimination of options, estimating and predicting correct answer; Time management in aptitude tests; Test taking strategies.

Text Books

  1. A Communicative Grammar of English: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. Longman, London.
  2. Adair. J., (1986), “Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team”, London, U.K: Pan Books.
  3. Gulati. S., (2006) “Corporate Soft Skills”, New Delhi, India: Rupa & Co.
  4. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazone Publication.
  5. Data Interpretation by R. S. Aggarwal, S. Chand
  6. Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation – Niskit K Sinkha
  7. Puzzles – Shakuntala Devi
  8. Puzzles – George J. Summers.


  1. Books on GRE by publishers like R. S. Aggrawal, Barrons, Kaplan, The Big Book, and Nova.
  2. More Games Teams Play, by Leslie Bendaly, McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
  3. The BBC and British Council online resources
  4. Owl Purdue University online teaching resources

Online Teaching Resources  – Grammar Book

Online Teaching Resources  – English Page and other useful websites.

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