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Course Detail

Course Name Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Course Code 18CA439
Program M. C. A., M. C. A. ( Offered at Mysuru Campus )
Credits Three
Year Taught 2018
Degree Postgraduate (PG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Introduction to the Elements of Programming Languages: Different Types of Programming Languages -Modeling Programming Languages, Computability versus Complexity,Computer Science for Computation.

Introduction to LISP and Scheme – Building Abstractions with Procedures – The Elements of Programming Procedures and the Process they Generate – Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures.

Building Abstractions with Data: Introduction to Data Abstraction- Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property – Symbolic Data – Multiple Representations for Abstract Data – Systems with Generic Operations.

Modularity, Objects, and State: Assignment and Local state – The Environment Model of Evaluation – Modeling with Mutable Data – Concurrency- Streams.

Metalinguistic Abstraction: The Metacircular Evaluator – Lazy Evaluation – Variation on a Scheme- Nondeterministic Computing – Logic Programming – Introduction to PROLOG.

Text Books

  1. Abelson H and Sussman G J, “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”, Second Edition, MIT Press, 2005.
  2. Sebesta R W, “Concepts of Programming Languages”, Tenth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2009.
  3. Pierce B C, “Types and Programming Languages”, MIT Press, 2002.
  4. Sethi R, “Programming Languages Concepts and Constructs”, Second Edition,Addison Wesley, 1996.
  5. T W Pratt and Marvin V Z, “Programming Languages: Design and Implementation”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995.

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