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Course Detail

Course Name Thermal and statistical Mechanics
Course Code 22PHY302
Semester 4
Credits 4


Unit 1

Preliminaries: The concept of heat, temperature and equilibrium and the Zeroth Law; Extensive and intensive variables; Equation of state, First law of thermodynamics: Methods of work transfer, free expansion, work as a path function, heat: Specific heat capacity and latent heat First law of thermodynamics: Internal energy and work, Heat and Enthalpy, Path function and state function, Corollaries of First law of thermodynamics:

Unit 2

Work and Heat: Heat Capacity: equation of state; Work done in various Processes. Einstein’s and Debye theory of Specific heat capacity, Heat transfer mechanisms: -Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Methods of thermal conduction, Kirchhoff’s laws, Pressure of radiation, Stefan Boltzmann law. Wien’s law, Rayleigh jeans law, Planck’s law (qualitative analysis).

Unit 3

Second law of thermodynamics: Kelvin Planck Statements, Clausius statement of second law, Heat Engines- Carnot cycle (Heat and Refrigeration) Carnot’s Theorem, Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement, Clausius Theorem, Entropy: – entropy in reversible and irreversible process, Clausius inequality, TS diagram, Principle of increase of entropy

Unit 4

Statistical Mechanics Preliminaries: The meaning of probability- definitions of sample space, events etc., types of random variables and probability mass and distribution functions; Functions of one and two random variables; Joint probabilities; Moments of a distribution; Correlation. Permutations and Combinations (with application to simple random walks on square grids)., statistical definition of temperature, Ensembles: canonical ensemble from Boltzmann distribution, statistical basis of entropy, entropy and probability, Equipartition Theorem.

Unit 5

Thermodynamical Potentials: Maxwell’s Thermodynamical relations, Applications: Specific heat equation, Joule Thomson cooling, Temperature inversion, Clausius Clapeyron equation. Themodynamic Potentials; Relation with Thermodynamic variables, Tds equation, Heat capacity equations, Free energies and Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Equilibrium between phases, One component system- Phase transitions; First and second order, Multi component system-Gibb’s Phase Rule.


Text Books

  1. M. W. Zemansky and R. H. Dittman Amit K. Chattopadhyay, Heat and Thermodynamics, 8th Ed, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2011.
  2. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th Ed, John Wiley, 2012.


  1. Walter Greiner, Ludwig Neisse, Horst Stocker, Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, 1st Ed, Springer, 1995, 3rd reprint 2001.
  2. Sears. F. W and Salinger. G. L, Thermodynamics Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, 3rd Ed, Addison Wesley, 1998
  3. Hugh. D. Young and Freedman, Sears& Zemansky’s University Physics, 13th Ed, Pearson, 2013.
  4. Richard P. Feynman, Robert. P. Leighton and Matthew Sands, Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol.1, 1E, Narosa, 2008
  5. P. K. Nag, Basic & Applied Thermodynamics, 2nd edition McGraw Hill Education; 2017.

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