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Course Detail

Course Name Transportation System Management and Control
Course Code 15CVL472
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Traffic Engineering Facilities and Control: Control of Traffic Movements through Time Sharing and Space Sharing Concepts – Design of Channelising Islands – T, Y, Skewed, Staggered, Roundabout, Mini-Round about and other At-Grade Crossings and Provision for Safe Crossing of Pedestrians and Cyclists; Grade Separated Intersections, their warrants and Design Features, Bus Stop Location and Bus Bay Design.

Traffic Control Devices: Traffic Signs and Signals, Principle of Signal Design, Webster’s Method, Redesign of Existing Signals including Case Studies; Signal System Coordination.

Unit 2

TSM Actions:
Combination and Interactions, Input Assessment and Evaluation, Monitoring and Surveillance, Study of following TSM Actions with respect to:

  1. Problems Addressed
  2. Conditions for Applications
  3. Implementation Problems
  4. Evaluation and Impact Analysis.

Public Transportation and HOV Treatment, Toll discounts for Car Pools during Peak periods, Park and Ride, Car pooling, Exclusive Bus & Two-wheeler Lanes, Priority at Ramp Terminals, Bus Transfer Stations, Limited Skip & Stop Bus Services & Shared Rides.

Unit 3

Demand Management: Staggered Working hours, Flexible Work hours, High Peak Period Tolls, Shuttle Services, Circulation Services and Extended Routes.

Traffic Operations Improvements: On-Street, Parking ban, Freeway Ramp Control and Closure, Travel on Shoulders, One-way Streets, Reversible Lanes, Traffic Calming, Right Turn Phase, Right Turn Lanes, Reroute Turning Traffic.

Text Books

  1. Kadiyali, L. R., “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, Khanna Publishers, 2007.


  • Institute of Transportation Engineers, “Transportation and Traffic Engineering Hand Book”, 6th edition, 2009.
  • Salter, R. J., “Highway Traffic Analysis and Design”, Palgrave Macmillan, 1996.
  • Louis J. Pignataro, Edmund J. Cantilli, “Traffic Engineering – Theory and Practice”, Prentice Hall, 1973.
  • IRC- SP41-1994: Guidelines for the Design of At-Grade Intersections in Rural and Urban Areas.

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