- LO1: To provide knowledge of virtual instrumentation
- LO2: To enable understanding of virtual signal processing tools
- LO3: To introduce biomedical applications of virtual instrumentation
Course Name | Virtual Instrumentation |
Program | M. Tech. in Biomedical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence |
Credits | 3 |
Introduction to virtual instrumentation – Loops and structures – Arrays and clusters – Graphs and charts File and string handling – Basics of data acquisition – Common communication buses using DAQ assistant – Real world DAQ and issues – Network and distributed systems.
Data handling techniques – Signal acquisition and sampling theorem – Effect of undersampling – Convolution – Designing an FIR and IIR filters – FFT analysis of periodic and aperiodic signals – Designing of low pass filter – High pass filter – Bandpass filter – Band reject filter – Notch filter and Comb filter.
Processing of ECG, EMG and EOG signals – Adaptive signal processing – Data compression techniques – AZTEC – TP – CORTES and KL transform.
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