The Amrita International Public Health Conference (AIPHC) is an annual event hosted by the Department of Community Medicine and Public Health in collaboration with various departments of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. This year we are collaborating with the Departments of Oncology to bring to you our latest venture, the 6th AIPHC 2023.
The focus of 6thAIPHC will be on the theme, “Advancing Public Health Strategies for Cancer Control”
Cancer is a devastating and complex disease which constitutes a major global health challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. The impact on individuals and families are immense, causing physical, emotional and financial hardships. With multifaceted aetiology, often involving a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, early detection and advances in medical research have led to improved treatment and survival outcomes, but challenges remain. By joining forces with an unwavering dedication to advancing public health strategies, we firmly believe that we can make a significant impact on cancer control. Through coordinated efforts, research and advocacy, we can raise awareness about early detection and improve access to quality treatment and care for all affected individuals.
This event holds the promise of becoming a milestone in our collective efforts to combat one of the most significant challenges faced by humanity today. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange with participants from academia, public health organizations, policy makers and practitioners.
Join us as we embark on this meaningful journey of “Advancing Public Health Strategies for Cancer Control”.
Together, we can turn the tide against cancer!