Amritakalotsav 2019, the combined arts fest was inaugurated on October 24, 2019, by Malayalam cine actor Mr. Aju Varghese. Group dance girls and mime boys were conducted on the same day. The overall first prize for group dance girls was bagged by the team ‘Prithvi’, second-year pharmacy students. The overall first, second and third positions for mime boys were bagged by ‘Anthareeksha’, ‘Prithvi’ and ‘Samudra’ teams respectively in the common arts fest. The events were conducted from October 25-26 and the final arts’ was conducted on October 28, at Annex, B Block auditorium. Thiruvathira, folk song, split dance (girls), adapt to tune (boys), etc., were held on this day. Prizes were distributed and winners were approbated.
The Kalathilakam title was won by Adithya J. Kammath of team ‘Anthareeksha’ and Kalaprathibha title was won by Sajeed Ali of team ‘Prithvi’. The ever-rolling trophy of Dhwani 2019 was bagged by team ‘Prithvi’ with a total point of 414, followed by teams ‘Anthareeksha’ with 413 points, ‘Rudra’ with 404 points, ‘Agneya’ with 158 points and ‘Samudra’ with 147 points.