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Some of the keynote speakers and distinguished panelists include:

A two-day Workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) on Smart Grid” was conducted by Dr.Gurjeet Singh from Gill Instruments, Bangalore in collaboration with Texas Instruments and PTC. Conference tutorials include Smart Microgrid Simulator, Cloud computing, Big data analytics & data security, Biomass gasification, Reliability analysis for smart grid improvements, Challenges and Key Issues in Smart Grid Implementations, Hybrid energy systems. Tutorials were also on  Distributed Power Grids – A Future Energy System and Maximal Secure Mitigation of Protection and Misoperations in Power Systems. The organizing chairs and Program Co-chairs of the conference were Dr. N. Radhika,  Professor, Department  of   Computer Science & Engineering and Dr. V. Vanitha, Assistant Professor,  Department of Electrical & electronics Enfgineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore campus.


Research interaction between researchers in academia and industry  present their latest findings in smart grids and discuss future directions of the field.

Number of Participants: 150

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