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About the Workshop

Śaivism is one of the most ancient and a widespread religion with a strong philosophical base. Śaivasiddhānta is one of the important branches of Śaivism that has spread in all parts of the country as well as to many countries in the southeast Asia. Possessing a continuous history from the beginnings of the first millennium the Śaivasiddhānta is fully based on the ‘Āgama-s’, a large group of texts said to have been revealed by Śiva. In course of time many great teachers coming in this tradition have composed independent texts that present the philosophy, the rituals and the Yoga taught in the Āgama-s for the easy comprehension by the followers.

The Śaivasiddhānta has been influencing the religio-philosophical domain of the Bhāratavarsham in many ways. The basis of ritual—personal and the temple—is, to a substantial extent based on the Śaivasiddhānta principles. In the long history of Indian philosophy, it is the Śaivasiddhānta that propounds the concept of 36 tattva-s for the first-time which concept plays a very crucial role in the development of Āgamic doctrines and the rituals. The vast Śaiva Āgama textual corpus and the equally large corpus of commentaries give us a deep insight into the development and spread of Śaivasiddhānta in all parts of the country. To teach the fundamental principles of Śaivasiddhānta many texts and manuals have been composed by great teachers belonging to distinct parts of the country since the medieval period.

The Siddhāṇtasārāvali composed by Trilocanaśiva, a great Śaiva Ācārya and a resident of the Tamil country, is a very handy and a useful text to get a detailed introduction to the Śaivasiddhānta. Readers will be introduced to the basic philosophical doctrines of the Śaivasiddhānta system through a detailed textual reading of the section known as the vidyāpāda of the Siddhāntasārāvali.

About Amrita Darshanam

Amrita Darshanam, InternationalCentre forSpiritual Studies (ICSS), has been established under the guidance of Amma. The Centre serves as an academic platform for study and research in the domains of philosophy, culture, arts, literature and societyunder thebroad canopyof India Studies.  It offers various Ph.D. and post-graduate programs in Indian knowledgesystems, humanitiescourses, seminars,conferences, andworkshops tofacilitate scholarly exchangeand integrated education for students.The centre has been recognized as the ‘Amrita Centre of Indian Knowledge System’ by AICTE, Ministry of Education.It also works with other national and international organizations on manuscript preservation, projects and collaborations, and research of the highest standard. Currently, the Centre has branches in seven university campuses, namely Amritapuri, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Mysuru, Amaravati, Kochi, and Chennai.

About ICPR

The Indian Council of Philosophical Research set up by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, was registered as a society in March 1977 under the Societies Act, 1860, but it started functioning in July 1981 under the Chairmanship of Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya. The Council has a broad-based membership comprising distinguished philosophers, social scientists, representatives of the University Grants Commission, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Indian Council of Historical Research, Indian National Science Academy, the Central Government and the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The Governing Body (GB) and the Research Project Committee (RPC) are the main authorities of the Council. These bodies are vested with well-defined powers and functions. The Governing Body which consists of Chairman, Member-Secretary, not less than three or more than eight members appointed by the Council, a representative each of the Ministry of Education (erstwhile MHRD) and Ministry of Finance and two nominees of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, administers, directs and controls the affairs of the Council. The Research Project Committee, which includes the Chairman, not less than five or more than nine members appointed by the Council and the Member-Secretary, scrutinizes and sanctions grants-in-aid for the projects and other proposals received or planned by the Council. The Finance Committee scrutinizes the budget estimates and other proposals involving expenditure.

Important Dates
  • Registration Opens: 20th November 2022
  • Registration Closes: 10th December 2022
  • Announcement of Final List of Selected Candidates: 15th December 2022

Kindly Note: This workshop is sponsored by Indian Council for Philosophical Research, New Delhi. Only limited seats are available for participants. All applications shall be scrutinized before final acceptance. 

Resource Persons

Seven-day National Textual Workshop on Siddhānta-Sārāvali 
Dr. T. Ganesan

Director, Centre for Shaiva Studies, Pondicherry

Seven-day National Textual Workshop on Siddhānta-Sārāvali 
Dr. R. Satyanarayana

French School for Far-Eastern Studies, Pondicherry

Seven-day National Textual Workshop on Siddhānta-Sārāvali 
Dr. S. A. S. Sarma

French School for Far-Eastern Studies, Pondicherry

Seven-day National Textual Workshop on Siddhānta-Sārāvali 
Dr. S. Sridharswaminathan

Vivekananda College, Madurai

Seven-day National Textual Workshop on Siddhānta-Sārāvali 
Sri. K. Subramaniyan

Independent Scholar

Contact Us

For More Details, Please Contact


Br. Prasanth
Assistant Professor,
Amrita Darshanam ICSS, Amritapuri


Dr. Tanashree Redij
Assistant Professor,
Amrita Darshanam ICSS, Bengaluru
+91 9545955182

Ms. Yogita Chhatre
Assistant Professor,
Amrita Darshanam ICSS, Bengaluru.
+91 9620609504

Dr. Vishwanath M.V.
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.),
Amrita Darshanam ICSS, Bengaluru.
+91 9740660108

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