Dr. K. K. Sujatha comes to Amrita with years of experience both as teacher and researcher. She received her Ph. D. from Kerala University in 1993. She taught at the University of Calicut and Bharathiar University and was Professor and Head of the Postgraduate Department of English of NGM College. Her research specializations include Indian Writing in English, Spiritual Literature and Language and Linguistics.
Dr. Sujatha has served as dissertation advisor to numerous students at the University of Calicut and Bharathiar University. After joining Amrita in 2005, she continues to guide doctoral students at Amrita. Dr. Sujatha is the Chief Editor of Amritakshari, the college magazine of the Amritapuri campus. The magazine includes contributions in six languages from students, faculty and staff of all four Schools on campus — Arts & Sciences, Ayurveda, Biotechnology and Engineering.
Dr. Sujatha has served as a member of the Boards of Examination of M. A., M. Phil. and Ph. D. at Government Victoria College and Bharathiar University. She was Chairperson of the Board of Studies (B. A. Functional English) at Calicut University from 1999 to 2001. She has also served as a member of the Advisory Board of the National Service Scheme (NSS) unit at Government Victoria College.