Year : 2023
Influence of techniques on synthesizing cashew nut shell oil as a prospective biolubricant on its physicochemical, tribological, and thermal behaviors
Cite this Research Publication : Prasannakumar, P., Sankarannair, S., Bose, C., Santhakumari, R., & Jyothi, S. N., "Influence of techniques on synthesizing cashew nut shell oil as a prospective biolubricant on its physicochemical, tribological, and thermal behaviors," Journal of Cleaner Production, Elseiver, 401, 136717. Scopus Q1 (Impact Factor: 11.07) (2023).
Publisher : Journal of Cleaner Production, Elseiver
Year : 2020
A study on the impact of climate change on the multigenerational migration journey of monarch butterflies
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K. Yamuna, Jyothi, S. N., Gevargis M. Thomas, Shilpa Hari Prakash, and Gouri S. Nair, “A study on the impact of climate change on the multigenerational migration journey of monarch butterflies”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12, 4 vol., pp. 1093-1098, 2020.
Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year : 2003
Identification of Hammerstein Model for Reactors with input multiplicity
Publisher : Indian Chemical Engr,
Year : 2001
Design of P1/P1D controller for systems with a zero
Publisher : Indian Chemical Engineer
Year : 2001
Nonlinear feedforward control of bioreactors with input multiplicities
Cite this Research Publication :
Dr. Jyothi S. N. and M. Chidambaram, “Nonlinear feedforward control of bioreactors with input multiplicities”, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 123-129, 2001.
Publisher : Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
Year : 2001
Control of Non-linear Unstable systems with Input Multiplicity
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M. Chidambaram and Dr. Jyothi S. N., “Control of Non-linear Unstable systems with Input Multiplicity”, Indian Chemica1 Engr, vol. 43, pp. 99 - 100, 2001.
Publisher : 52nd Annual session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON99, 1999.
Year : 2000
Identification of hammerstein model for bioreactors with input multiplicities
Publisher : Bioprocess Engg,
Year : 1999
Feed -forward control of Wiener type non-linear systems with input multiplicities
Cite this Research Publication :
M. Chidambaram and Dr. Jyothi S. N., “Feed -forward control of Wiener type non-linear systems with input multiplicities”, Indian Chemical Engr, vol. A 41, pp. 191-192, 1999.
Publisher : Indian Chemical Engr