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Team bi0s at Hacklu Conference- A Computer Science Security Conference

November 11, 2019 - 9:25
Team bi0s at Hacklu Conference- A Computer Science Security Conference

Team bi0s, the academic ethical hacking team, from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, participated in the 15th edition of Hacklu four day conference on October 22nd, at Hacklu19, Luxembourg. The computer security conference annually conducted by the Computer Incident Response Center, Luxembourg, showcases the most significant new discoveries in computer network attacks and defenses, open-source security solutions, and pragmatic real-world security experience. In a three day series of informative tutorials, many such discoveries were presented.

Geethna T. K., Sruti Dixit, and Soumya, third-year BTech students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, were awarded scholarships to attend the conference and to conduct two security workshops during the conference on the topic “Intro to Dark Arts: Getting Started with CTFs”. The workshop introduced the participants to the world of CTF contests as a way to learn real-world security skills providing them with the basic knowledge for playing CTF and how to get started with solving hands-on challenges in the domains of Cryptography, Reverse Engineering and Binary Exploitation. Overall, 800 participants comprising of working professionals and cybersecurity researchers graced the event.

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