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B.Sc. OTT (Operation Theatre Technology) is a four-year undergraduate course including one-year compulsory internship in the field of health science. These medical professionals are an important part of the operation unit team who work alongside with the surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurse in order to provide quality patient care throughout the surgery. These technicians make sure that every process in the operation theatre is as secure and safe meeting to students. Their prime duty is to take care of all the work and management of the operation theatre which comprise looking after all the surgical instruments, their sterilization, preparation of dressing table, operation theatre table, instrument table as well as anesthesia table. They also look after the drugs necessary for surgery, anesthetic gases, drapes and all the linen and their sterilization.

Apart from the fundamental educational requirement, outstanding scientific skills, communication skills and behavioral skills are necessary for surgical technologists. An eye for detail, accuracy and critical thinking is a must. Team work is essential as this job necessitate the person to work in partnership with other healthcare providers. Other prerequisites necessary are optimistic attitude, compassion and high levels of endurance and dedication. They must have the aptitude to work under minimal regulation, unpredictable shifts and long hours and must remain alert during operations.

Attention Please !

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Note

“Hostel facility is not available at Faridabad campus for the Allied Health Students. The school will help the students to get accommodation near to the campus.”

Admission Procedure

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Program & Eligibility

B. Sc. Operation Theatre Technology

Duration of the Program:Three Years + One Year Internship

Pass in Plus Two with 60% Aggregate Marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

Candidates should be of minimum 17 years and maximum 23 years as on December 31st of each Admission Year.

Application Fees
  • Candidates should submit applications by online mode only.
  • Online Application Fees: Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty Only)

Prospectus for KochiProspectus for Faridabad

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Selection and Allotment of Seats

For all specialties, selection for candidates will be based on the rank obtained in the Amrita Entrance Examination. Allotment of seats for the shortlisted candidate will be based on the performance in the counseling/interview.

Out of total seats for all specialties, 50% seats will be allotted to the Merit category and 50% to the management category including NRI i.e. 15% of seats.

Candidates applying through agents/education counsellors using fraudulent means/ bribery/donations will be debarred to secure admission in any of the courses in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Candidates are advised to frequently visit the admission page for latest updates.

It is important for the candidate to register their commonly used mobile number/email id. Do not provide email id/mobile number of education counsellors/agents/internet café operators etc. The candidate is solemnly responsible for any negligence.

Note: Once specialty is allotted, a request for a change of specialty will not be permitted. Request pertaining to the same will not be entertained.
Academic Information Booklet

Annual Tuition Fee 2025 – 26 (Kochi)
Scholarship (INR) Non Scholarship (INR) NRI (in USD) Other Fee Hostel & Mess Fee
1,10,000 1,40,000 3000 41,000 80,000

Annual Tuition Fee 2025 – 26 (Faridabad)
Scholarship (INR) Non Scholarship (INR) First Year Other Fee (INR) Total First Year Fee (in INR)
1,10,000 37,500 147,500

Entrance Examination Details

Examination Date
Examination Timing
Question Paper Pattern

Physics: 25 questions

Chemistry: 25 questions

Biology: 25 questions

English: 5 questions

Duration: 2 hours

Number of Questions: 80

Marking Scheme: 3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and -1 for each wrong answer.

AEEL Syllabus

Examination Date & Timing

Date Shift 1
(9.00 AM to 11.00 AM)
Shift 2
(12.00 PM to 2.00 PM)
Shift 3
(3.00 PM to 5.00 PM)
May 12, 2023 AEEB AEEL AEEP
May 13, 2023 AEEL AEEP AEEB
May 14, 2023 AEEP AEEB AEEL


Semester 1
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-001 Introduction to Healthcare Delivery System in India 60 0 60
BOTT-002 Basic computers and information Science 10 40 50
BOTT-003 Communication and soft skills 20 10 30
BOTT-004 Medical Terminology and Record keeping (including anatomical terms) 40 0 40
BOTT-005 Medical Law and Ethics 40 0 40
BOTT-006 Introduction to Quality and Patient safety (including Basic emergency care and life support skills, Infection prevention and control, Biomedical waste management, Disaster management and Antibiotic resistance) 40 60 100
BOTT-007 Professionalism and values 20 0 20
BOTT-008 Research Methodology and Biostatistics 40 20 60
BOTT-009 Principals of Management 40 0 40
BOTT-010 Community orientation and clinical visit (including related practical to course 001)* 0 100 100
TOTAL 310 230 540

Teaching resources (tutors) should be made available at every institute for basic subjects such as Biology and English for students who wish to undertake the extra classes for the same Second Semester

Semester 2
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-011 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 80 120 200
BOTT-012 Biochemistry 40 60 100
BOTT-013 Principles of Management 30 50 80
OTT Directed Clinical Education – part I (studentship) 160 160
TOTAL 150 390 540
Semester 3
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-014 Pathology 40 80 120
BOTT-015 Medicine 40 80 120
BOTT-016 Principles of Anesthesia 40 100 140
OTT Directed Clinical Education – part II (studentship) 160 160
TOTAL 120 420 540
Semester 4
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-017 Clinical Pharmacology 40 60 100
BOTT-018 Clinical Microbiology 40 60 100
BOTT-019 Basic techniques of Anesthesia 40 120 160
OTT Directed Clinical Education – part III (studentship) 180 180
TOTAL 120 420 540
Semester 5
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-020 Basics of Surgical procedures 30 50 80
BOTT-021 CSSD Procedures. 30 70 100
BOTT-022 Advance anesthetic techniques 50 70 120
BOTT-023 Basic Intensive care 30 100 130
OTT Directed Clinical Education – part IV (studentship) 110 110
TOTAL 140 400 540
Semester 6
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
BOTT-024 Specialized surgery and anesthesia 80 200 280
BOTT-025 Electronics and technology in surgery and anesthesia 50 100 150
OTT Directed Clinical Education – part V (studentship) 110 110
TOTAL 130 410 540
Semester 7 & 8
Sl. No. Course Titles


Theory Practical Total
OTT Internship 1440 1440

*Internship – minimum 1440 hours (calculated based on 8 hours per day, if 180 working days in a year). This is the minimum requirement, however depending on the working days/hours, the total duration of engagement in internship may be more than 1440 hours.

Admission Procedure

Program & Eligibility

B. Sc. Operation Theatre Technology

Duration of the Program:

Three Years + One Year Internship


Pass in Plus Two with 60% Aggregate Marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English.

Application Fees

Candidates should submit applications by online mode only.

Online Application Fees:  Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty Only)

Selection and Allotment of Seats

For all specialties, selection for candidates will be based on the rank obtained in the Amrita Entrance Examination. Allotment of seats for the shortlisted candidate will be based on the performance in the counseling/interview.

Out of total seats for all specialties, 50% seats will be allotted to the Merit category and 50% to the management category including NRI i.e. 15% of seats.

Candidates applying through agents/education counsellors using fraudulent means/ bribery/donations will be debarred to secure admission in any of the courses in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Candidates are advised to frequently visit the admission page for latest updates.

It is important for the candidate to register their commonly used mobile number/email id. Do not provide email id/mobile number of education counsellors/agents/internet café operators etc. The candidate is solemnly responsible for any negligence.

Note: Once specialty is allotted, a request for a change of specialty will not be permitted. Request pertaining to the same will not be entertained.

Academic Information Booklet

Program Overview

Skills Needed

Apart from the fundamental educational requirement, outstanding scientific skills, communication skills and behavioural skills are necessary for surgical technologists. An eye for detail, accuracy and critical thinking is a must. Team work is essential as this job necessitate the person to work in partnership with other healthcare providers. Other prerequisites necessary are optimistic attitude, compassion and high levels of endurance and dedication. They must have the aptitude to work under minimal regulation, unpredictable shifts and long hours and must remain alert during operations. Surgical technologist also must have outstanding deftness to grip various instruments in complicated ways. Surgical Technicians arrange the operating room prior to and after each procedure, ensuring that it is completely stocked with instrument and sterile disposable items. They must have the crucial knowledge and aptitude to make sure quality patient care throughout the operative process and is constantly on watchfulness for upholding of the sterile field. Surgical technicians have differing tasks.

The major tasks executed by a surgical technician include:

  • Get ready operating room for surgery;
  • Arranging, checking, attaching/ detaching and adjusting surgical equipment’s;
  • Give technical assistance to surgeons and anesthetists;
  • Set patients comfortably for surgery;
  • Get ready the patient for surgery by shaving and disinfecting incision sites;
  • Supplying equipment according to instruction;
  • Solutions and medications to the surgeon
  • Sterile dressings at the end of surgery
  • Locating patients to and from the theatre and wards

Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences has 28 operation theatres and 230 intensive care beds, with sate-of-the-art equipment giving students exposure to the most modern techniques in critical care.

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Sports Facilities
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita Health Sciences Campus

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides…

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

For Enquiries Contact, 
Admission Office,
Medical College Building – 3rd Floor,
Amrita School of Medicine,
AIMS Ponekkara P.O.,
Kochi- 682041
Contact Number: 0484-285 8166 | 0484-285 8383 | 0484-285 8349 | 0484-285 8167 | 0484-285 8153 |  7994999585 | 7994999788

Contact Us

For Enquiries Contact,

Admission Office,
Medical College Building – 3rd Floor,
Amrita School of Medicine,
AIMS Ponekkara P.O.,
Kochi- 682041
Contact Number: 0484-285 8166 | 0484-285 8383 | 0484-285 8349 | 0484-285 8167 | 0484-285 8153 | 7994999585

For all queries related to Entrance (AEEL) and Application (AOAP),
Contact: 01140846644
email :

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