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Arm + Wheelchair

Arm + Wheelchair

We intend to develop a self-driving wheelchair without the need for continuous control using the joystick and fitted with a collaborative robotic arm. The wheelchair helps the user to be taken anywhere inside an indoor mapped area without the need to use a control device continuously. The indoor mapped area can be either a house, hospital, airport, shopping mall, etc. This can be of great support for people with conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, rheumatism, spinal muscular atrophy, stroke, tetraplegia, and spinal cord injuries as well as natural deterioration due to aging. With the help of the collaborative robotic arm, the users can seek help with simple tasks like opening the door, picking up an object (bottle, glass, book, etc. from shelf or table or floor, etc.), helping with eating and drinking, playing with pets, reading books, etc.

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