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Run-time Analysis of Temporal Constrained Objects

Project Incharge:Dr. Jinesh M. K.
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Bharat Jayaraman
Run-time Analysis of Temporal Constrained Objects

This project explores the programming paradigm of constrained objects, a declarative variant of object-oriented programming where objects define a system’s structure and declarative constraints determine its behavior. The focus is on temporal constrained objects, an extension suitable for modeling dynamical systems, which introduces series variables and metric temporal operators for specifying time-varying behavior. TCOB is a language that exemplifies this paradigm, with execution involving constraint solving in a time-based simulation framework. The complexity of TCOB programs and underlying constraint-solving methods make identifying errors challenging. In this project, we are trying to use run-time traces to analyze the cause of errors. The run-time trace can also be used to construct a finite-state machine for model-checking system properties. This project also explores the abstraction techniques for managing simulations resulting in large state spaces.

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