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Augmented Reality Assistance for Aging People

Project Incharge:Dr. Divya Udayan J.
Augmented Reality Assistance for Aging People

The development of Augmented Reality is becoming robust and matured by the combination of real-time performance with virtual information. With the proliferating geriatric population, the benefits of AR systems can be suitably harnessed for supporting the elderly in home activities, mobility and entertainment, among others. Hence, the development of AR to assist aging population is now feasible.


  • VIT University, Vellore and University of Oulu, Finland


  • Divya Udayan J, Raija Halonen, Aswani Cherukuri, “Augmented Reality Assistance for Aging People: A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, Vol 13, Issue 1, 2022.
    URL: 10.4018/IJISSC.303604


  • VIT University, Vellore and University of Oulu, Finland 


  • Divya Udayan J, Raija Halonen, Aswani Cherukuri, “Augmented Reality Assistance for Aging People: A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, Vol 13, Issue 1, 2022.
    URL: 10.4018/IJISSC.303604 

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