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Comparative quantification and bioavailability assessment of Emodin in Kasamardapatra(Cassia occidentalis L. leaf) before and after addition of buttermilk using Caco2 cell lines

Name of the Student : Devika S.

Year : Final year BAMS

Name & Designation of Guide : Dr. Priyalatha B.Associate Professor

Center : Amrita Centerfor Advanced Research in Ayurveda(ACARA)

Study Period : February 2023 – May 2023

Comparative quantification and bioavailability assessment of Emodin in Kasamardapatra(Cassia occidentalis L. leaf) before and after addition of buttermilk using Caco2 cell lines


The aim of the study was to access the bioavailability of Emodin in Cassia occidentalis L.leaves before and after the addition of buttermilk   using Caco2 cell lines. The study was done to get a scientific proof to the concept mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata in Matrashiteeyam Adhyaya in the context of Anupana that the green leafy vegetables should be taken along with buttermilk. Hence the study aimed to check whether the addition of buttermilk produced any significant changes in the bioavailability of the phytoconstituents of Cassia occidentalis. The drug is mentioned as one among the Shaakavarga by Acharya Vagbhata. The presence of Emodin in Cassia occidentalis L. was confirmed through published scientific papers.

The samples of the plant were collected from Thiruvalla, after identifying it by an expert taxonomist a herbarium was prepared. The sample was then made into a paste and subjected to LCMS analysis, however no Emodin was detected from the analysis whereas the presence of Emodinic acid was detected. The potential interference of chlorophyll was doubted to be the reason for negative results. It was then subjected to HPTLC analysis, this time both the paste and dry leaves were used. Emodin was not detected in any of the samples. As per the reference from an article the concentration of Emodin varied from different geographical locations hence a new sample was collected from Prayaar (Kollam). The dried leaves were subjected to HPTLC analysis but gave negative results. It might be due to the presence of Emodin in trace amounts. Due to the following reasons we had to discontinue the study. All the experiments were performed in ACARA Amrita School of Ayurveda. All the references and reports were submitted to CCRAS by May 31st.

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