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Design and Evaluation of DRFM Mitigation System

Start Date: Friday, Jan 01,2016

End Date: Tuesday, Dec 31,2019

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. Shanmugha Sundaram G. A.
Funded by:National Instruments (NI) USA Academic Research Grant
Design and Evaluation of DRFM Mitigation System

The project titled “Design and Evaluation of DRFM Mitigation System” is funded by National Instruments (NI) USA Academic Research Grant . Dr. G. A. Shanmugha SundaramDr. K. P. SomanDr. T. RajagopalanDr. D. S. Harish RamDr. Binoy B NairMr. R. Gandhiraj are the investigators of the project.

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