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Low Cost Device and Cloud Enabled Smart Solution for Diabetes Care

Start Date: Tuesday, Jun 23,2015

Funded by:DBT
Low Cost Device and Cloud Enabled Smart Solution for Diabetes Care

In a unique partnership, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham joined hands with Wipro Technologies, Bangalore to work on an end-to-end diabetes solution. The project entitled “Low Cost Device and Cloud Enabled Smart Solution for Diabetes Care” is funded by DBT-BIRAC, Government of India. The project utilizes the patented Automated Insulin Pump as well as the novel non-enzymatic glucose monitoring system developed by Amrita and linked via a mobile application developed by Wipro Technologies. Data from patients utilizing these devices would be transferred via the mobile app to a cloud and dedicated server hosted by Wipro, thus providing an interface between a diabetic patient and a 24×7 diabetes helpline, endocrinologists and care-giver. This project on completion holds tremendous potential to healthcare for the 65 million diabetic patients in India today.

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