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Remote Triggered Wireless Sensor Network Lab

Start Date: Wednesday, Feb 01,2012

End Date: Wednesday, Dec 31,2014

Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Funded by:MHRD
Remote Triggered Wireless Sensor Network Lab

RT Lab is India’s first remote triggered laboratory in the computer science and engineering area. As wireless sensor networks (WSN) are emerging worldwide, the lack      of e-learning    facilities degrades the availability and usage of WSN applications, mainly in universities. The Remote Triggered  Wireless Sensor Network      Lab aims in providing an easy, efficient, interactive and user friendly environment to the  students, researchers etc.,  which can trigger their inquisitiveness and give them the equipments and materials  needed for the experimental    studies.  The resources are shared to them in a virtual  manner wherein they can conduct the experiments online and  observe the outputs as in a real lab through an effective visualization tool. This is an experimental wireless sensor  network which is envisioned to provide a practical experience of designing, deploying and implementing wireless sensor networks in both indoor and outdoor conditions.


The Lab has a WSN Testbed which uses Memsic micaz motes, where we deployed 9 sensor networks with more than 100 sensor nodes in indoor and one sensor network with around five motes in outdoor. The other hardware   components used in this testbed include around 21 memsic interfacing boards, dielectric moisture sensors, on-board sensors, data acquisition boards, digital multimeters and custom made power supply board for uninterrupted    functioning of the testbed. Using Flash Media Server, the videos of the WSN test bed are getting streamed.

Project goals

  • The remote triggered lab provides an intuitive web-based interface, where educators and learners can learn theoretical concepts in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Wireless Communication, Propagation Effects, Energy management in WSN, Wireless Sensor Network Algorithms etc
  • This lab includes 12 experiments demonstrating these concepts by providing study materials, animations, interactive simulations and remote panel. The remote panel is an interface for virtually accessing and triggering the hardware components which is deployed in our lab. The concepts learned using animations, simulations etc can be better understood through the remote experimentation whose output will be displayed as charts and/or physical representation in the remote panel.
  • This  lab will provide students practical experience in designing, deploying and implementing wireless sensor networks in both indoor and outdoor conditions. Remote users will have a permanent test-bed for development and testing of concepts

Meeting and Workshops Conducted

  • A workshop was conducted as part of 6th IEEE international conference on Technology for Education (T4E), Amritapuri (18 -22 Dec 2014).
  • A three day National level Workshop, “Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks – Protocols, Programming and Remote Triggering (LS-WSN 2015)” from 29 June to 1 July 2015


Team Members:
Mr. Sangeeth K. Mr. Rayudu Y. V. Ms. Arya Devi R. D. Ms. Divya P. Ms. Nithya G K Ms. Sreeresmi RMs. Preeja Pradeep Ms. Rekha P. Ms. Sheela L. Mr. Tinu Vinod Ms.Keerthi S Mohan


Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab
Amrita Develops India’s First Remote-Triggered Virtual Lab in Computer Science »

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