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A Computational Approach to Identify MicroRNA (miRNA) Based Biomarker of Pharmacovariant from the Regulation of Disease Pathology

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : MOJ Proteomics Bioinform

Source : MOJ Proteomics Bioinform

Campus : Coimbatore

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Year : 2018

Abstract : In the post genomic era, identification of a potential miRNA in a computational approach for the significance of a discovery of systemic biomarker with respect to pharmacovarient studies to treat diseases is a challenging task to execute. The challenge was addressed by identifying the Pharmacovarient based associate genes from Verse and it was followed by identifying the associated miRNAs from PharmacomiR and finally the transcription factors (TFs) of associate target genes were identified from RegNetworks. In the next step, a miRNA based regulatory network was constructed on the basis of association between genes, miRNAs and TFs. Finally, the network was analyzed on the basis of statistical studies and miRNA based compatibility to identify a potential miRNA to be utilized as a biomarker of Pharmacovarient to treat diseases in future. In this article, the computational approach was used for the identification of a miRNA based systemic biomarker in association with the pharmacovaience of Psoriasis and in future this approach can also be used for other diseases.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Harishchander Anandaram, A computational approach to identify microRNA (miRNA) based biomarker of Pharmacovariant from the regulation of disease pathology, MOJ Proteomics Bioinform, 2018

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