Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
Source : Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2020
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2020
Abstract : This paper addresses the issue of estimating the population variance of a study character in the joint presence of random non-response and measurement errors and its application for estimating variations in biological data. Additional information on two highly positively correlated auxiliary variables has been incorporated to develop a general class of estimators under stratified two-phase sampling scheme. Its properties, in terms of bias and mean square error, have been examined. Optimum strata weights have been determined by employing suitable calibration techniques. Simulations using artificial data, as well as real data involving the variation in prostate specific antigen in different age groups when information about prostrate cancer volume and prostate weight is available, demonstrate the performance of the proposed class of estimators with respect to a contemporary estimator. Relevant R codes have been provided as Appendix.
Cite this Research Publication : Singh, G. N., Bhattacharyya, D., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2020). A general class of calibration estimators under stratified random sampling in presence of various kinds of non-sampling errors, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. DOI: (SCI)