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Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics.
Source : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE, Volume 2017-January, Udupi, India, p.944-949 (2017)
Url :
Keywords : coreference resolution, Gender Analysis, Graph theory, graph-based QA system, graph-based relation extraction method, information service, Information services, Knowledge discovery, Morphological analysis, Multi-graphs, Natural language, NAtural language processing, pre-structured database, Query processing, Question Answering, question answering (information retrieval), question answering system, Reading comprehension, reading comprehension tests, Relation extraction, Search engines, Semantics, synonyms check, Syntactics
Campus : Amritapuri, Bengaluru
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Center : Computational Linguistics and Indic Studies
Department : Computer Science, Mathematics
Year : 2017
Abstract : Question Answering (QA) is the method of automatically answering a question asked by human in natural language using either a pre-structured database or a collection of documents. It is a rising new information service following the popularization of search engines. In this paper we introduce a graph-based QA system for reading comprehension tests that pick out the sentence in the passage that best answers a given question by extracting the relations. In order to improve the accuracy of the system, we do a gender analysis, morphological analysis and synonyms check along with coreference resolution. We tested our system with 60 comprehension passages each having five questions thereby a total of 300 questions and attained an accuracy of 79.67%. We achieved best results in terms of accuracy compared to the existing system having only 40%. Notes: cited By 0; Conference of 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2017 ; Conference Date: 13 September 2017 Through 16 September 2017; Conference Code:133501
Cite this Research Publication : G. Veena, Athulya, S., Shaji, S., and Dr. Deepa Gupta, “A graph-based relation extraction method for question answering system”, in 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Udupi, India, 2017, vol. 2017-January, pp. 944-949.