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A Novel High Speed Two Stage Detector for Spectrum Sensing

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Procedia Technology,

Source : Proceedings of ICCCS-2012 , Procedia Technology, Volume 6, p.682 - 689 (2012)

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Keywords : Covariance Absolute Value Detection, Detection time, energy detection, Spectrum sensing

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Verified : No

Year : 2012

Abstract : Large numbers of spectrum sensing techniques have been introduced to detect the presence of primary users. Though each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages associated with one leads to the development of the others. A two stage detector for spectrum sensing can be used to overcome the limitations of a single stage detection technique and to combine the advantages offered by the individual methods. However, a two stage spectrum sensing technique increases the time taken for sensing a spectrum. In this paper, a novel method is proposed that effectively decreases the time taken for sensing the spectrum whereas meeting the required detection capabilities. Simulation results have been used to show that the proposed method leads to larger savings in time compared to the already available two stage detection method for spectrum sensing.

Cite this Research Publication : Geethu S. and Narayanan, G. L., “A Novel High Speed Two Stage Detector for Spectrum Sensing”, Proceedings of ICCCS-2012 , vol. 6. Procedia Technology, pp. 682 - 689, 2012.

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