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A review on recent advances towards sustainable development of bio-inspired agri-waste based cellulose aerogels

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2023

Abstract : Cellulose aerogel (CA) is considered to be the most promising material due to its extraordinary properties like unique microstructure, porosity, large specific surface area, biodegradability, renewable nature and lightweight. Cellulosic aerogels are thus found to have potential applications in different fields especially in water purification and biomedical field. Agricultural waste based cellulose aerogels are recently getting wider attention owing to its sustainability. The synthesis methods of agri-waste based cellulose aerogels, its properties and application in different fields especially in the field of water purification are detailed in a comprehensive manner. This review tries to bring light into the commercialization of value-added products from sustainable, cheap agricultural waste material and tries to motivate young researchers.

Cite this Research Publication : Sajitha S. Jayan, Jitha S. Jayan, Appukuttan Saritha, A review on recent advances towards sustainable development of bio-inspired agri-waste based cellulose aerogels, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Volume 248, 1 September 2023, 125928 .

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