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Access of digital resources in KIMS college of nursing: A study

Publisher : Library Philosophy and Practice

Year : 2019

Abstract : Growth of internet has disrupted many sectors. Over the last few years high-speed internet and cell phones have burrowed into our lives declaring 'print is dying'. The rapid growth of information and technology has transformed the society to undergo digital challenges. Recent years have identified the setting up of digital libraries in India. We can identify the transmission of conventional libraries to digital one. A digital library is an online database of digital resources which includes e- journals,eBooks, in- house digital collection like theses, Previous year question papers, soft copy of books, CD ROM databases, the library web- OPAC and so. In India, Open Digital Libraries (ODL) are grabbing attention to explore the world of knowledge. Today 80% of literature is born digital, which the users tend to find in the libraries. The digital libraries encounter challenges like hardware management, preservation/archiving, financial management and standardization. This paper points on the development challenges and changes faced by digital libraries in the Indian Scenario. © 2019 Library Philosophy and Practice.

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