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Adoption of Cloud Computing Technologies in Supply Chain Management

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014 (ICAD&M’14)

Source : International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014 (ICAD&M’14), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchrappalli, Tamilnadu (2014)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2014

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : S. A. Hari Prasad and Dr. Anbuudayasankar S. P., “Adoption of Cloud Computing Technologies in Supply Chain Management”, International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014 (ICAD&M’14), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchrappalli, Tamilnadu. 2014

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