Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : IEEE
Source : India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE2012, IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics, Kathmandu, p.305-310 (2012)
Url :
ISBN : 9781457718694
Keywords : AC voltage controller, Active filters, Decision support systems, diode bridge rectifier, dynamic and static loads, enhanced controller, grid integrated renewable energy source, Hafnium, Harmonic components, harmonic distortion, Harmonic elimination, Helium, High definition video, induction motor, Induction motors, Interfacing unit, IRPT control algorithm, modified controller, modified Icosφ controller, nonlinear loads, power factor correction, Power grids, Power harmonic filters, Power quality, power supply quality, Reactive power compensation, rectifying circuits, Renewable energy source, renewable energy sources, resistive load, shunt active filter, Silicon, soft starter, Voltage control
Campus : Bengaluru, Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : Amrita Innovation & Research
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Verified : Yes
Year : 2012
Abstract : Developing efficient interfacing technologies to interconnect renewable energy sources with grid is a promising research area in renewable energy related applications. The interfacing unit becomes crucial as renewable energy sources when directly connected to grid, can inject harmonic components that may deteriorate the quality of power. This paper proposes a mechanism to use shunt active filter as an interface between renewable energy sources and grid with a modified and efficient control scheme. The shunt active filter with this modified controller controls the real power supplied by the grid (source) in addition to its usual functions such as reactive power compensation, power factor correction and harmonic elimination. Performance of the modified IcosΦ controller is compared with that of IRPT control algorithm. Two nonlinear loads are considered here namely AC voltage controller as soft starter for induction motor and a diode bridge rectifier feeding resistive load. Simulation of proposed system proves the effectiveness of using a shunt active filter as the interfacing unit for grid integrated renewable energy systems. ©2012 IEEE.
Cite this Research Publication : Ilango Karuppasamy, Manitha P. V., and Dr. Manjula G. Nair, “An Enhanced Controller for Shunt Active Filter Interfacing Renewable Energy Source and Grid”, India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE2012, IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics. Kathmandu, pp. 305-310, 2012.