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An Innovative Solution for effective enhancement of Total Technical Life (TTL) of an Aircraft

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2016

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2016

Abstract : All the countries in the globe eventually happen to spend a lot of money towards strengthening their respective Air Force every year by spending a lot of money. Based on the observation made on the budgets framed, it will be clearly visible for anyone to understand that about 60 to 70 percentage of total money is spent towards technology up- grade and maintenance. Coming to the civilian aircraft maintenance and upgrade, the cost and budget is no inferior to the former class of military aviation budgets. We have taken this as challenge and we have come up with a solution for enhancing TTL (Total Technical Life) and reduced maintenance cost. We have built an embedded system based portable solution for measuring the usage of the aircraft and based on the usage and utilization, the maintenance can be made and this will greatly reduce the cost. The stress and strain measurements has lead us to calculate the cyclic stress that the aircraft undergoes and based on which the maintenance can be carried out. The complete implementation has been done and results are analyzed along with challenges which were resolved later.

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