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Analysis of polarization diversity for land mobile satellite system

Publisher : Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2017

Year : 2018

Abstract : The use of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology to Land Mobile Satellite (LMS) system helps to improve the capacity and spectral efficiency of the system. One of the efficient ways of realizing MIMO in LMS communication system is by using polarization diversity. Polarization diversity employs different polarization to realize multiple independent propagation paths. Apart from the conventional method of realizing polarization diversity by employing spatially separated antennas with different polarization, dual-polarized antenna offers a space and cost effective alternative. This paper aims at improving reliability in LMS system with the use of a coding scheme that jointly utilises space, time and polarization diversities. © 2017 IEEE.

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