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Applying Nano Communication Modeling to understand Calcium Ion Influx in Neurons and Impact on Kinesin Axonal Transport of BDNF Vesicles

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IMAG MSM

Source : IMAG MSM, Mar 2017

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Verified : Yes

Year : 2017

Abstract : The most common cause of demen/a, Alzheimer's disease (AD), is an age-­‐ influenced chronic neurodegenera/ve progression affec/ng communica/on across mul/ple scales. Subcellular nano-­‐molecular changes within neurons along with extracellular neurofibrillary plaques or tangles combine to disrupt inter-­‐neural signaling and induce gradual loss of brain cogni/ve func/on. The subcellular ini/a/ng causes and factors influencing progression of AD would benefit by mathema/cal modeling of events to assist in understanding events in chemical signaling dysregula/on that underlies changes to both intra-­‐ and inter-­‐neural connec/vity. The dysregula/on of intracellular Ca 2+ is known to play a role in AD early pathology along with amyloid-­‐β (Aβ)

Cite this Research Publication : J. L. Paluh, A. Banerjee, A. Mukherjee, K. G. Kumar, A. Ghosh, M.K.Naskar, "Applying Nano Communication Modeling to understand Calcium Ion Influx in Neurons and Impact on Kinesin Axonal Transport of BDNF Vesicles, IMAG MSM, Mar 2017

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