Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information& Communication Technology- RTEICT2018
Source : 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT), IEEE, Bangalore, India (2018)
Url :
Keywords : Acoustics, agri robot, Agri-Bot, agriculture, Android application, Arduino, autonomous agricultural farming robot, autonomous movement, Cameras, DC motors, IP Webcam, IR sensor, Irrigation, Microcontrollers, Mobile communication, Mobile robots, Obstacle detection, ploughing blades, robot kinematics, Robot vision systems, TCP/IP protocol, transmitting camera, Ultrasonic sensor, video acquisition, Video signal processing, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 802.11G, Wi-Fi network, wireless LAN
Campus : Bengaluru
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2018
Abstract : Present research strives to implement the agricultural farming robot which can move instinctively, instinctively, involuntarily for ploughing, seeding and irrigation in closed field. This research also contributes to enhance functionality of Agri-Bot in the field for spying. The agri robot is equipped with a camera and sends the data to pc through Wi-Fi network. The robot has ploughing blades and servo motor for distributing the seeds and irrigation into the field. It works with ultrasonic sensor and IR sensor. Ultrasonic sensor is for avoiding obstacles in the field, IR sensor is for sensing felid boundary. Arduino controller acts as heart and brain of the system, it makes fast, accurate, autonomous movement. Video acquisition and transmitting camera mounted on it is 360° rotatable. This Research features a Agri-Bot that uses Wi-Fi 802.11G along with TCP/IP protocol. IP address and Video is received in laptop for further processing. This research intends to reduce human efforts and provide an intelligent aid to the farmers.
Cite this Research Publication : D. N. Vinod and Dr. Tripty Singh, “Autonomous Agricultural Farming Robot in Closed Field”, 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT). IEEE, Bangalore, India, 2018.