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Beneficial impacts of goat milk on the nutritional status and general well-being of human beings: Anecdotal evidence.

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Research Gate

Source : Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences,

Url :'s%20milk%20has%20higher,the%20old%2C%20and%20the%20healing.

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Agricultural Sciences

Year : 2023

Abstract : Goats provide an essential food supply in the form of milk and meat. Goat milk has its own distinct set of qualities, but it shares many similarities with human and bovine milk in terms of its nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Modifications in composition aid in determining the viability of goat milk processing methods. Goat's milk and cow's milk products could have different tastes, nutrients, and medicinal effects because of their different compositions. Comparatively, goat's milk has higher levels of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus than either cow's or human milk, but lower levels of vitamin D, B12, and folate. Goat milk is safe and healthy for infants, the old, and the healing. Capric, caprylic, and capric acid are three fatty acids that have shown promise as potential treatments for a wide range of medical issues. Considering the benefits and drawbacks of goat milk over cow milk is essential. In comparison to cow's milk or human milk, goat milk is more digestible, has a unique alkalinity, has a better buffering capacity, and has certain medicinal benefits. Acidifying goat milk shrinks fat globules and makes protein friable (with less αs1-casein and more αs2-casein). Goat milk is used to treat malabsorption illnesses because it has more short- and medium-chain triglycerides, which give developing children energy. In wealthy countries, goat milk and its products—yoghurt, cheeses and powdered goods—are popular with connoisseurs and persons with allergies and gastrointestinal issues who need alternative dairy products. A category of food products that contains fermented goat milk with live probiotic microbes appears promising nutritionally and medicinally. In this article, anecdotal evidence of the therapeutic effects of drinking goat milk for human health and nutrition is presented.

Cite this Research Publication : Nelson Navamniraj K, K. Sivasabari, Ankitha Indu Jisha, Deepika Krishnan, Anjali Muraleedharan Renuka, Akhil PR, Pran Mohankumar, Firzan Nainu, Praveen SV, Prachi Singh, Hitesh Chopra, Sandip Chakraborty, Abhijit Dey, Kuldeep Dhama and Deepak Chandran. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, February 2023, 11(1):1-15.

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