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Can knowledge management be obverse to performance management in construction industries with special reference to Mysore City

Publisher : International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology

Year : 2018

Abstract :

A person can work more confidently, efficiently and effectively only when he or she has more knowledge regarding their work then this will help them to perform well. The objectives of the paper are to know the level of knowledge management and performance management among construction employees and to know the correlation among knowledge and performance management among employees of construction industry with reference to Mysore city. The sample selected for the study is employees of construction industry; sample size is 75.The tools used for collecting data are questionnaire on knowledge management and questionnaire on performance management. The method of study is survey and simple random sampling technique is used. The statistical techniques used are descriptive statistic and correlation. The findings of the study have revealed that there is high level of correlation among knowledge and performance management. © 2018 IAEME Publication.

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