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Chromatic Choosability for Some Classes of Perfect Graphs

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : World Scientific Publishing Company

Source : Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, DOI:, 2024.

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2024

Abstract : A graph G= G (V, E) is called L-list colorable if there is a vertex coloring of G in which the color assigned to a vertex v is chosen from a list L (v) associated with this vertex. We say G is k-choosable if all lists L (v) have the cardinality k and G is L-list colorable for all possible assignments of such lists. A graph G is said to be chromatic choosable if its chromatic and list chromatic numbers are equal. Investigation of χ-choosable graphs is one of the open problems. In this paper, we investigate this problem for classes of perfect graphs.

Cite this Research Publication : NK Vasudevan, J Geetha, K Somasundaram, "Chromatic Choosability for Some Classes of Perfect Graphs", Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, DOI:, 2024.

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