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Citizens’ Attitudes and Perceptions for Augmenting E-Governance Practices

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IGI Global

Source : In Leadership and Governance for Sustainability

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Arts Humanities and Commerce

Year : 2023

Abstract : Kerala is a national leader in educational, sociocultural, and governmental changes. To enhance performance, efficiency, and service delivery quality, the state pioneered the adoption of people-centered e-Governance programmes. Strong foundations for the usage and use of information technology were established through literacy, education, socioeconomic factors, and people-centric development. Rule of law, participation, transparency, efficiency, equity, accountability, responsiveness, consensus, inclusivity, people friendliness, and accessibility are some of the key elements of good governance that e-Government helps government better implement by fostering trust between the public and the government through internet-based methods for involving citizens in the policy-making process and ensuring government accountability and transparency. The main purpose of the study is to find the E-governance services of Government and the researcher made an attempt to examine the attitude, perception and satisfaction of Citizens towards e-government services provided by the government of Kerala.

Cite this Research Publication : Sujith, T. S., & Sumathy, M. (2023). Citizens' Attitudes and Perceptions for Augmenting E-Governance Practices. In Leadership and Governance for Sustainability (pp. 284-298). IGI Global.

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